In a much simpler term, compression molding is the use of rubber to create machined parts and products. This is one of the most widely used techniques in the rubber industry, just like any other molding process, it involves the heated molds being exposed to high pressure.

The techniques of the process are straightforward, it involves placing the material mostly made of polymer or plastic onto the mold cavity. The only different feature that makes the tooling technique unique is, the process leverages both the power of pressure and heat.

When both heat and pressure are added onto the procedure, it changes the properties of the molded workpiece.

A Brief Overview of Compression Molding

At the beginning of the compression molding phase, both the material and the mold cavity are heated, once both of the components have attained the required temperature, the heated elements are inserted onto the mold cavity.

The heat will cause the molten material to expand, but the pressure is the most vital aspect of the compression molding procedure. After the molten material is poured onto the hot cavity, the mold cavity is completely sealed with a plug.

High amounts of pressure are, in turn, exerted onto the material so that the cracks and crevices are filled. Its always recommended using pressure that ranges from anywhere between 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per square inch (PSI) of pressure.

The combination of both pressure and heat will eject the material object from the mold cavity. Allow the mold to cool and remove the solidified part or product from the mold cavity. In compression mold, there is a wide range of techniques that you can use, but the basic principles remain the same, which is the heated polymer or plastic is inserted onto the cavity and exposed to pressure.

Key Things that You Should Consider in Compression Molding

At Nice rapid, we always pride ourselves in flawless and unique work. To reach our objectives and goals, here are five crucial aspects that we always consider.

  • The amount of polymer or plastic
  • Amount of heat required
  • Type/mode of heating method
  • Amount of pressure
  • The design of the mold

Rubber compression molding

Rubber compression molding

Benefits of Compression Molding

Minimal wastage

The tooling technique does not have runners, sprues, or gates as a bi-product of the manufacturing process, which significantly reduces any occurrence of material wastage. Overall this will reduce investment cost as well as ensure you enjoy large economies of scale.


Compression molding is one of the cheapest and cost-effective techniques due to its ease of operation and simplicity compared to other methods.

Suitable for large and oversized parts

For the production of large machined parts and products, Compression molding does so with such ease as it allows fast change-over in different molds that will help your increase short production runs.

When it comes to drawbacks, compression molding requires manual loading and unloading, increasing the overall cost of labor.